JAVA 80%
Spring Boot 50%
Spring Data JPA 50%
Appium 90%
Rest Assured API 80%
Googling 100%
Saquib Kazi
Having 2.5+ year experience as Software Engineer. Prepared scripts for web UI, API, Mobile App, database and other service automations. Always learning and creating new tools to optimize testing process for teams. Growing towards application development frontend and backend areas.
- Looking for a switch into developer positions
- Open For Remote and International Opportunities.
Bachelor of Engineering
2015 - 2019
University of Pune, India
Professional Experience
Software Engineer
May-2021 - Present
Pune, Maharashtra, India
- Developed an Email Automation Utility to test emails produced by automation tests in Gmail servers. Used system design patterns to make the utility extenable and reuseble for other email protocols.
- Developed custom Java utility for client for reducing team's manual efforts in uploading of cucumber feature files in Xray test repository on Jira, saving 400 mins of efforts each sprint
- Handled mobile app automation for android and iOS platforms for client
- Test scripts preparation and maintenance of web UI using selenium, API using Rest Assured, Mobile App using Appium, SQL database and other services required for test automation for the client
- Test Case requirement analysis, design and execution
- Maintenance of CI/CD automation testing pipelines
- Followed Agile software development
- Interacted with client and development team for requirements, scope and test data
- Conducted training for team member on Test Automation
- Prepared POC on new technologies for business optimization